Wolfmans Howlings

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JEdit - Textmate for the rest of us?

Posted by Jim Morris on Tue Nov 21 23:20:07 -0800 2006

OK after expounding on how much I like Epsilon as an editor, I finally hit a wall with it. I wanted tabs of the currently open files, and it simply does not provide that facility yet. (I know all modern editors do!). On X11 (IE Linux and OS/X) Epsilon is not really a graphical app, it does open an X11 window, but within it most dialogs and lists (like buffer lists etc) are text, a little like a curses app. The advantage is it opens really fast, and loads huge files pretty fast. The downside is you don't get all those nice windowing facilities like movable pop-up windows, dialogs, trees and tabs!

So after hearing so much about JEdit, I bit the bullet and gave it a whirl. Following the instructions from a number of blogs (too numerous to mention) I installed it on my KUbuntu Linux box, with all the plugins people recommend, and of course the Ruby plugin and SupperAbbrevs (The beta version), so I have my snippets!

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Posted in JEdit,Rails,Ruby  |  Tags ruby,rails,jedit,textmate  |  6 comments