Ruby 1.8.6 on Openmoko Freerunner
Posted by Jim Morris on Sun Aug 10 23:09:54 -0700 2008
I finally got around to building ruby 1.8.6 for my FR. I modified the ruby bitbake files that I found in the Mokomakefile openembedded directory. I am not sure how one actually is meant to do this, as the OE site is down and the docs don't explain it. So I just replaced the 1.8.5 ones with the 1.8.6 ones. I also managed to fix a bug in the 1.8.5 BB recipe that was causing socket to not build.
I also got the ruby dbus library to work, although I don't know what to do with it yet :)
So until I figure out how you are meant to add a new version to OE, I have put the ipk here.
If you want ruby 1.9 you can find it here
To install it just ssh into your FR and type
> wget
> opkg install ruby_1.8.6-p287-r1_armv4t.ipk
If you want to install gem then you need to ssh into the FR and do this...
> wget
> tar xzvf rubygems-1.2.0.tgz
> cd rubygems-1.2.0
> ruby setup.rb --no-rdoc --no-ri
I recommend you do the no doc and no ri otherwise it takes forever.
As for dbus...
> wget
> tar xzvf ruby-dbus-0.2.1.tar.gz
> cd ruby-dbus-0.2.1
> ruby setup.rb config
> ruby setup.rb setup
> ruby setup.rb install
look in the examples to see how to use it, I tries this...
> ruby examples/utils/listnames.rb --system
So it seems to work.
Let me know what you do with it.
I also built jove, my favorite mini-emacs editor, this is just an executable just copy to /usr/bin Use instead of vi or nano.
UPDATE The bitbake recipe I used to build ruby 1.8.6 is here
Thanks for that! - I have just got my Neo but I was already missing Ruby!
Phil. (phil at pricom dot com dot au)
"bug in the 1.8.5 BB recipe that was causing socket to not build."... could you give me the recipe patch?
If I remember the critical bit to enable sockets is this...
EXTRA_OECONF= "--enable-wide-getaddrinfo"
I added the bitbake recipe to the article.