Wolfmans Howlings

A programmers Blog about Programming solutions and a few other issues

Setting the focus in a form

Posted by Jim Morris on Sun Oct 29 15:40:38 -0800 2006

This is a simple one, how do I set the focus in the first item in my form?

Put this in your app/helpers/application_helper.rb:

END end ]]>

Then in your .rhtml file somewhere after the form is defined add this

<%= set_focus_to_id 'user_login' %>

where user_login will be the id of the field you want to get the focus.

An example of a login form...

Please Login
<% form_for :user do |f| %>
  <label for="user_login">Login</label>
  <%= f.text_field :login, :tabindex => "1" %>
  <br />
  <label for="user_password">Password</label>
  <%= f.password_field :password, :tabindex => "2" %>
  <br />
  <label for="user_remember_me">Remember me:</label>
  <%= f.check_box :remember_me, :tabindex => "0" %>
  <br />
  <%= submit_tag 'Log in', :tabindex => "3" %>
  <br />
<% end %>

<%= set_focus_to_id 'user_login' %>

When the login form is shown the focus will be set to the login text field. Of course java script needs to be enambled otherwise they will have to do it manually.

Posted in Rails  |  Tags rails,focus,form  |  8 comments


  1. Chad H said on Sun Oct 29 16:27:20 -0800 2006
    You can also use prototype/scriptaculous and type:

  2. wolfman said on Sun Oct 29 19:13:39 -0800 2006
    Thats cool thanks, the reason I posted this is because 10 minutes of Googling didn't bring up too many Rails specific methods to do it.
  3. eric said on Sat Dec 02 15:01:48 -0800 2006
    You can simplify your helper to three lines, thanks to prototype:

        def set_focus_to_id(id)
  4. Julian said on Sun Sep 07 08:04:52 -0700 2008
    Thanks for sharing this useful little snippet, it slotted into what I'm doing and worked first time!
  5. Skip said on Mon Jan 26 13:11:17 -0800 2009
    This worked great until I pointed IE6 at it and the page appeared blank even though the source could be seen and was valid. Finally figured out that resizing the window manually made it visible and so I added:

    if (navigator.appVersion < "7"
    && navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
      function winalign()

    If there is a less ugly way to make this work, I'd love to know.
  6. wolfman said on Mon Jan 26 14:07:36 -0800 2009
    I suspect this has something to do with the timing of when the script is executed, and whether the page has fully loaded. JQuery has a solution to this with the $(document).ready(function() {
       // do stuff when DOM is ready
    So if you were to put the javascript in that function I suspect it will work even on a broken IE6
  7. John said on Sun Jan 17 08:41:18 -0800 2010
    After much googling....your's was the most elegant and simple!

  8. Jim said on Thu Jan 28 07:25:44 -0800 2010
    To resolve IE6 issues. Works in other browsers as well.

    document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {

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